Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Handling Dry Ice

Safety should always be your priority when handling dry ice.
Dry ice is highly versatile and can be used for many purposes, both commercially and at home. From Halloween decorations to an emergency food storage solution, it’s essential always to take proper precautions when handling dry ice. Here are a few mistakes you should do your best to avoid when using dry ice for any occasion.
Handling Dry Ice with Bare Hands
Since dry ice is much colder than regular ice, handling dry ice without protection can lead to burns or frostbite. However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll need any special equipment! Using an oven mitt, towel, or protective gloves when handling dry ice will be just fine.
Buying Dry Ice In Advance
Buying your dry ice too far in advance may mean that it’s almost gone when you need it! This is because dry ice will sublimate and turn into carbon dioxide gas once removed from the freezer. Typically, a 10lb block of dry ice will last about 24 hours in a regular cooler. We always recommend waiting until the last minute to buy your dry ice.
Putting An Airtight Lid on Dry Ice
Storing dry ice in a cooler can help it last longer. However, as the dry ice sublimates, it turns from solid carbon dioxide to a gas. This means without proper ventilation, the carbon dioxide gas buildup can burst your cooler! We always recommend handling dry ice in a well-ventilated area as well.
Improper Disposal
If there’s dry ice leftover, it’s tempting to throw it away or try to melt it down your sink like regular ice. However, this can cause way more harm than good. Throwing dry ice in a trash can could leave it in an airtight container where it could explode. It also doesn’t melt as quickly as regular ice, so trying to run it under hot water in the sink or flush it down the toilet could actually cause permanent damage to your plumbing. We always recommend letting it sublimate outside to dispose of it properly. If you want it to sublimate faster, you can break it up into smaller pieces and pour some warm water over it.
Dry Ice for All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.