3 Reasons Why Dry Ice is a Great Tool for Your Camping Trip

Unlike regular ice dry ice has a variety of benefits that can make your camping trip easy and refreshing.
If you’re headed off to camp this summer you are likely considering how you’ll be keeping all of your supplies cold. Luckily, dry ice is the perfect camping tool. Unlike regular ice dry ice has a variety of benefits that can make your camping trip easy and refreshing.
Dry Coolers
One of the most significant benefits of dry ice over conventional is that as dry ice “melts” it becomes a gaseous form rather than liquid. With this, it doesn’t create the same amount of mess that the conventional method makes. If you’re camping for several days and attempting to store food, this is highly useful as you’ll never wind up with soaked hot dog buns or water bacon. This ability of dry ice to turn into a gas also prevents any potential food safety hazards, as often campers think that the melted ice water is cold enough for food storage when it usually isn’t.
Efficient and Effective
If you’ve ever been camping in a particularly remote area, you may know that finding fresh ice isn’t always easy, in fact in some places you might not be able to restock the ice at all. In these instances, dry ice can last longer and be more effective than its counterpart. Dry ice still evaporates fairly quickly, so you may need to bring backup amounts, but it will still be more effective than regular ice.
Keeps Cold in Storage
To properly use dry ice on your next camping trip you will want to make a few adjustments to your usual cooler preparation. Most stores sell dry ice but you may want to call ahead to be sure, and once you arrive note that it often cannot be sold to anyone under 18. Once you’ve purchased your dry ice, you will want to wrap it in a few layers of newspaper before placing it on top of, rather than under, the items in your cooler. This is because it will last longer if it is not exposed to any water, like runoff from any condensation off of the items beneath it. If there is any space in your cooler, be sure to keep it filled with newspaper or other material to help keep in the cold and insulation. For more effective cooling freeze as many of the items as you can before your trip and never open the cooler more than you have to. It’s a good idea to keep perishable items like food and non-perishables like drinks in separate coolers so that you minimize the number of times you will be opening your perishable foods cooler.
Dry Ice for All of Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our dry ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your food items, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.