5 Everyday Uses for Dry Ice in Your Home This Fall

When dry ice touches metal, it causes it to condense, which means it can be used to remove small dents on your car.
Dry ice is a highly useful tool that every homeowner should keep on hand. Along with being great in commercial use for cleaning and a variety of applications, dry ice has several roles within the home. When handled and stored safely, it can be kept on hand in case of emergencies and for day-to-day use.
Remove Small Car Dents
When dry ice touches metal, it causes it to condense, which means it can be used to remove small dents on your car. Wearing thick gloves and other protective equipment, you can try placing a piece of dry ice flat against the center of the indentation. If possible, you may want to try to touch the dry ice to the interior side of the dent. Once the dry ice has caused the metal to frost to two inches out from the center of the dent, you may remove it and let the metal return to normal temperature. You may not be able to remove the dent perfectly, but it should be dramatically reduced in size and visibility.
Help Remove Floor Tile
When a tile is exposed to dry ice, it will often shrink sightly. This not only allows for a removal tool to be inserted easier but for the tile itself to break free from some of the bonding agent that was used during installation. While this may not be the most efficient way to remove an entire floors worth of tile, it is useful if you need to remove only a few chipped or broken tiles for spot repair.
Transport Plants
When transporting cut flowers, especially for birthdays and holidays, the last thing you want is for them to be wilted when you arrive at your destination. If dry ice is kept with flowers and temperatures maintain a level of 34º, any blocking will be delayed, and they will arrive in perfect shape. Just be sure that the dry ice so doesn’t get too close so that the flowers do not freeze.
Keep Away Mosquitos
When you’re throwing a backyard party, the last thing you want to do is spend the night swatting at mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are attracted to the Co2 that humans produce, which is the same gas that dry ice emits. If you place pieces of dry ice on the outskirts of your property, mosquitos will be drawn away from your guests and to the dry ice.
Stop Leaks Quick
If you have a sudden leak in your home time is of the essence. If you can not turn the water off quickly, freezing the site of the leak and the pipe leading to it with dry ice can help prevent water damage from increasing while you wait for the plumber to arrive.
Dry Ice for All of Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our dry ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.