I Can Use Dry Ice for What Around My House?

Did you know that dry ice is a natural mosquito repellant?
As we’ve talked about in previous blogs, dry ice has many uses in many industries. It’s used to clean industrial equipment through ice blasting, create fake fog for theatrical effects, and keep perishable items like cakes, meats, and even vaccinations cold during transport across the country. But just an average person is probably thinking, “That’s cool and all, but how can I use dry ice in my home?” Well, this person will be in luck after reading this blog. Come to find out; dry ice has plenty of unexpected uses inside the home. Here are some unique ways that dry ice can find domestic help in your home.
Portable Freezer
When combined with a styrofoam cooler, dry ice can be used as a portable cooler to keep things much more frozen and cold than regular water-based ice. A great benefit is that it essentially keeps items as cold as a standard freezer would, but with zero electricity needed. This is perfect for any big-time outdoor events like weddings, cookouts, and baby showers where lugging along a giant freezer isn’t possible. Plus, it takes a long time for the ice to dissipate into the air, keeping food items cold for much longer. Just be careful when handling it to keep yourself and your guests safe.
Natural Mosquito Repellent
Unfortunately, if you are using dry ice as a coolant for your barbeque, it’s not recommended in the evening hours. This is because CO2, or its chemical structure, actually attracts human’s least favorite pests, mosquitos. However, this can work in your favor. Try placing the ice as far away from people as possible. Since mosquitos love the concentrated CO2, the ice will trick them into thinking they are getting a meal when they will just get frozen while everyone else enjoys their cookout.
Make Your Soda
Everyone once in a while loves downing a refreshing soda pop. But do you know how it’s made? Dry ice helps to carbonate water to make soda. Therefore, you can make your soda with it. Add a small amount of ice to a punch bowl or soda concentrate, and voila! You have a pleasantly carbonated drink. You can do this trick with virtually any non-alcoholic water-based beverage, so try it out in many different combinations!
Minimize Car Dents
Did someone scratch your car up, or did you accidentally hit something while driving? Thinking about car repairs, especially the price, can be pretty scary. But don’t fear because dry ice can aid in dent repair. Wear appropriate gloves and wrap a piece of dry ice in a towel. Gently rub the ice over the dented or scratched area. The metal will contract from the cold, minimizing the look of the dent.
Dry Ice For All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.