Survival with Dry Ice
Dry Ice Corp. is the largest regional dry ice provider in the northeastern United States. They have been providing for industries of all kinds, including Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Research Universities and Labs, Government Labs, Food Distribution, Catering, and much more. Consumers can benefit from Dry Ice Corp.’s services as well. Besides theater and education, survival is another arena in which dry ice helps society to thrive.
Freezing Food
Companies and consumers use dry ice primarily for preserving perishable items. While food distributors use it to keep produce frozen on a long, cross-country trip, everyday people can use it for freezing food when out camping or during a power outage. All one needs is a sturdy cooler with space for the carbon dioxide gas to escape. Wrap the solid CO2 in newspaper or cloth, place it on the bottom, and then add the provisions. You can also plan ahead and use dry ice to preserve fresh produce.
Air Conditioning
Meanwhile, you may find yourself living in quarters on a hot summer day with no air conditioning. You may be on a screened porch, a cabin, or a place with summer heat for only a short time. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area before using dry ice. You can take a 5-gallon bucket, and insert two or three PVC pipes through it and a small electric fan downward through the lid, held together with duct tape. Place dry ice in the bucket. The fan will blow the dry ice air through the pipes into the room. With dry ice, you won’t have to worry about electric shock, like using ice water and a fan.
Thwarting Mosquitoes and Bed Bugs
Lastly, dry ice can save you from becoming a feast for mosquitoes and other biting bugs. Mosquitoes and bed bugs find humans to bite through the carbon dioxide and body heat which people emit.
One way to keep mosquitoes from swarming you on your patio or deck, is to create a dry ice mosquito trap. Attach a small pouch of dry ice over a mosquito trap and hang it on a tree at one end of your yard. The bugs will draw near to the CO2 and fall into the trap.
As for bed bugs, purchase a smooth, plastic dog bowl with a gap on the perimeter’s underside. Turn this upside down so that gap becomes a moat. Tape fabric around the bowl so bed bugs can climb up, and rub talcum powder in the moat so they’ll be stuck. Place an uncovered cup on top, half-filled with dry ice. Turn off the lights and leave the room for at least an hour.
Dry Ice For All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our dry ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.