Top 4 Dry Ice Blasting Myths Debunked

As a result, some prospects subscribe to this myth and miss the benefits of dry ice cleaning.
As you may know, dry ice is an efficient, quick, and effective medium for cleaning industrial equipment. That said, several myths prevent potential users from shifting and reaping the benefits of this effective cleaning method. This article debunks the top 4 dry ice blasting myths.
Myth: Dry Ice Can’t Be Used To Blast Electrical Equipment
Truth: Dry ice blasting can safely be used on electrical equipment. Unfortunately, people confuse dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) with regular ice (frozen water). As a result, some prospects subscribe to this myth and miss the benefits of dry ice cleaning.
In reality, dry ice cleaning does not turn into water droplets that harm, destroy or alter the electrical component. Similarly, dry ice blasting poses no/little danger, e.g., electric shock, to the operators, provided they adhere to the handling directions of the technique.
Myth: Dry Ice Blasting Is Unsafe
Truth: Dry ice blasting is probably the safest cleaning method compared to other blasting techniques. Why? It is gentle and less abrasive, plus it causes minimal damage to the cleaned material.
In addition, the fact that the method does not rely on abrasives means that it is safe for the operator. Most abrasive-dependent cleaning techniques produce excess dust and noise pollution. Imagine how dust containing lead particles will impact the health of the inhalers!
Myth: Dry Ice Blasting Is Unaffordable
Truth: We get a lot of repeat customers who buy dry ice from us for use in industrial cleaning purposes. All these clients attest that dry ice blasting saves them money. In addition, the techniques leave behind less waste, and it is safer and time-efficient. Dry ice cleaning can give the best results ever when carried out by an expert.
Myth: Dry Ice Blasting Is Unsafe For Food Preparation Areas
Truth: Cryogenic cleaning is tested and approved by the Food and Drug Administration FDA for meeting the agency’s rules, regulations and standards. Moreover, the method is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency EPA. Therefore, dry ice cleaning is a safe and acceptable method used in food preparation areas. It can safely clean, sanitize and sterilize food processing equipment.
Dry Ice for All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.