Best Dry Ice Experiments

Try these amazing dry ice tricks at home for loads of summer fun!
Dry ice has many uses, a refrigerant for many industries, and a cleaning agent for factories and auto shops. The most entertaining purpose for dry ice, however, is science experiments. With frozen carbon dioxide, the possibilities are endless. There is much fun to be had; below are five of the best dry ice experiments to try at home with adult supervision.
Dry Ice Fog
A simple experiment to try out first is to make dry ice fog. This setup demonstrates how dry ice sublimates, turning directly from a solid to a gas, and wows the audience with its billowy “smoke.” Fill a bowl halfway with warm water, and place dry ice pieces in it using tongs or thick gloves. Watch in amazement as white fog spills over the rim!
Dry Ice Crystal Ball
Another trick is to create a crystal ball. All you need is a strip of cloth, a bowl, dry ice, water, and some liquid dish soap. Lubricate the rim of the bowl with dish detergent. Then, fill it halfway with warm water, and put in a few pieces of dry ice. After soaking the fabric in the dish soap, run it lengthwise across the rim, creating a soapy film over the bowl. The carbon dioxide gas will balloon the film until it pops.
Frozen Soap Bubbles
Imagine being able to pick up bubbles instead of them popping the moment you touch them. You can finally do that, with the help of dry ice. Place some dry ice in a glass bowl, wait five minutes, and blow bubbles into the container. The bubbles will slowly freeze, at which point you can pick them up and examine them to your heart’s content.
Dry Ice Balloon
What is a fun time without balloons? See how dry ice turns into gas by letting it fill up a colorful balloon. Place a couple of small pieces inside, tie or hold it close, and watch as the gas inflates it. If there is enough dry ice inside it, the balloon will pop!
Dry Ice Rocket
The dry ice bomb is one of the most dynamic dry ice experiments and requires the most caution. Fill up a plastic water bottle with dry ice and warm water. Place a cap over it (not screwed nor attached), and put the bottle upside down into a glass jar. Make sure you have plenty of open space to let the rocket fly. The pressure from the CO2 gas will make the bottle shoot into the air.
Dry Ice For All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our dry ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.